Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Films:
Representations: Films:
[Info] Barker, Martin. »"Typically French"?: Mediating Screened Rape to British Audiences.« Rape in Art Cinema. Edited by Dominique Russell. New York 2010: 145-158. [Info] Brinkema, Eugenie. »Rape and the rectum. Bersani, Deleuze, Noé.« Camera obscura 20 (2005): 33-57. [Info] Farr, Brittany. »Rape as Revenge: The 'Millennium Trilogy' and Rape-Revenge Films.« 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Boston 2012. [Info] Sigurdson, Erika R. »Violence and Historical Authenticity: Rape (and Pillage) in Popular Viking Fiction.« Scandinavian Studies 86 (2014): 249-267. [Site] G e n e r a l [Info] Andrews, David. »The rape-revenge film: biocultural implications.« Jump Cut No. 54 (2012). [Info] Andrews, David. »Reconsidering the Body Genre: Rape-Revenge and Postfeminist Softcore as Biocultural Phenomena.« Alphaville No. 7 (2014). [Info] Bolz, Manuel, et al., org. Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Rape and Revenge: Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. [Info] Harper, Stephen. Screening Bosnia: Geopolitics, Gender and Nationalism in Film and Television Images of the 1992-95 War. London 2017. [Info] Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra. Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study. Jefferson 2011. [Info] Koch, Angela. »Das „unsägliche“ Verbrechen - sexuelle Gewalt im Film.« Geschlecht als Tabu. Orte Dynamiken und Funktionen. Berlin 2006. [Info] Koch, Angela. »Visualität und Schuld. Performing sexual violence.« Performativität und Performance. Geschlecht in Musik, Bildender Kunst, Theater und Neuen Medien. Hildesheim 2007. [Info] Köhne, Julia B. »Sexuelle Gewalt und Rache in kulturellen Artefakten. Kommentar und Plädoyer.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 297-310. [Info] Kotthaus, Jochem, ed. Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Weinheim 2015. [Info] Kotthaus, Jochem. »Vorwort. Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 7-12.
Künzel, Christine, et al, eds. Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Göttingen 2024.
Künzel, Christine. »Rape-and-Revenge: Zwischen Selbstjustiz, Coping-Strategie und pädagogischer Mission. Eine Einführung.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 11-28.
Nummela, Mari. Raiskaus valkokankaalla: Seksuaalisen väkivallan estetiikka fiktioelokuvassa. Opinnäytetyö, Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu, 2014.
Plessow, Oliver. »Sexualisierte Kriegsgewalt in Geschichtsspielfilmen: Mediale Herausforderungen und Potenziale für historisches Lernen.« Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik 19 (2020): 30-44.
Reifenberger, Julia. Girls with Guns. Rape & Revenge Movies: Radikalfeministische Ermächtigungsfantasien? Berlin 2013.
Reifenberger, Julia. »»Kill your rapist!« Der Rape-Revenge-Film als genderpolitisches Verwirrstück. Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 82-105.
Reuter, Ingo. »Religion, das Übernatürliche und sexuelle Gewalt.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 225-242.
Russell, Dominique. »Introduction: Why Rape?« Rape in Art Cinema. Edited by Dominique Russell. New York 2010: 1-12.
Russell, Dominique, ed. Rape in Art Cinema. New York 2010.
Soko?owska-Pary?, Marzena. »War Rape: Trauma and the Ethics of Representation.« Traumatic Memories of the Second World War and After. Edited by Peter Leese et al. Houndmills 2016: 223-244.
Stiglegger, Marcus. »Film als existenzielle Erfahrung. Zur Phänomenologie des Terrorkinos.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 60-81.
Vitanza, Victor J. Chaste Cinematics. New York 2015.
Wagner, Hedwig. »Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Überlegungen zum Darstellungsaspekt von Sexualität und zu möglichen Filmlektüren.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 43-57.
Wood, Isaac G. »Male Rape in Comedy Representation in the Family Film.« Sex and the Cinema: A Film Studies Journal Conference. Canterbury 2016.
Wright, Katie. »Speaking Out: Representations of Childhood and Sexual Abuse in the Media, Memoir and Public Inquiries.« Red Feather Journal 7 (2016): 17-30.
A f r i ca n F i l m s
Nigerian Films
Drama Films:
Eje Mi,
Right Time,
Tango With Me
A m e r i c a n F i l m s
Argentine Films
Garage Olimpo
Canadian Films
A Dangerous Method
Cuban Films
Rogers, Jamie. »Reading Rape as National Allegory: Constructions of Masculinity in Cuban and Mexican Film.« 56th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Montreal 2015.
Mexican Films
Rogers, Jamie. »Reading Rape as National Allegory: Constructions of Masculinity in Cuban and Mexican Film.« 56th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Montreal 2015.
Peruvian Films
U.S. Films
Bächler, Maja. »Sexuelle Gewalt im Kriegsfilm.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 106-126.
Berridge, Susan. »'Happy Endings?' Self-contained Episodes of Sexual Violence Teen Drama Series.« 6th Annual Conference of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Postgraduate Network. Bangor 2009.
Berridge, Susan. »Sexual Violence and Revelations: Homophobic Abuse as a Catalyst for Coming out in Teen Drama Series.« 20th Screen Studies Conference. Glasgow 2010.
Berridge, Susan. »Personal Problems and Women's Issues: Episodic sexual violence narratives in US teen drama series.« Feminist Media Studies 11 (2011): 467-481.
Berridge, Susan. »Starting with Sexualised Violence: Feminist Concerns in Heroine TV Pilots.« Television for Women: An International Conference. Coventry 2013.
Borgedahl, Oscar M., et al. Våldtäkt i Hollywoods krigsfilmer: Har representationen av orsaken till våldtäkt i krig ändrats i Hollywoods krigsfilmer mellan perioden före 1980-talet och den efter 1980-talet? Självständigt arbete på grundnivå, Högskolan Väst, 2017.
Borgedahl, Oscar M., et al. »Rape in Hollywood Combat Movies: Representations of the Causes of Wartime Rape.« Rape Cultures and Survivors: An International Perspective. Vol. 1. Edited by Tuba Inal et al. Santa Barbara 2018: 101-138.
Dupree, Renee A.V. »Rape Culture and Romance: A Thematic Analysis of Sexual Scripts Used by Major Characters in New Millennial Comedy Films.« 49th Annual Meeting of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association. Washington, D.C. 2019.
Finley, Laura L. »Rape Films.« Violence in Popular Culture: American and Global Perspectives. Edited by Laura L. Finley. Santa Barbara 2019: 83-85.
Funnell, Lisa, et al. »Introduction: The Promise of #MeToo as a Theoretical Lens.« Screening #MeToo: Rape Culture in Hollywood. Edited by Lisa Funnell et al. Albany 2022: 1-10.
Funnell, Lisa, et al., eds. Screening #MeToo: Rape Culture in Hollywood. Albany 2022.
Gustafsson-Wood, Isaac. Male rape in film comedy: Representations in contemporary Hollywood. Doctoral Thesis, University of Southampton, 2019.
Houde, Katia. »When Scars Speak: Embodied Testimonies of Sexual Violence in Trauma Cinema.« 61st Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. Denver 2020.
Jimenez Murguía, Salvador, et al, eds. The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films. Lanham 2020.
Kotthaus, Jochem. »»›Red‹ is the safeword!« Zum Verhältnis von Sex und Gewalt am Beispiel von BDSM-Pornographie. Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 127-149.
Murphy, Katherine J. »Analyzing Women’s Representation in the Health Care Field on American Television from 1965–2019.« Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research No. 12 (2021): 68-97.
Ritzer, Ivo. »Diktatur der Bilder: Zur medienkulturellen Symptomatik der Repräsentation von Sex und Gewalt in TV-Serien des US-amerikanischen ›Qualitätsfernsehens‹.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 150-168.
Schubart, Rikke. Super Bitches and Action Babes: The Female Hero in Popular Cinema, 1970-2006. Jefferson 2007.
Sood, Asmita, et al. »Television Representations of Sexual Violence.« Talking Research (January 15, 2021).
Taylor, Steven. »Conceptualizing Consent: An Analysis of Viewer Interpretations of Sexual Violence in Film, 1971-2020.« 77th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2022.
Vihanto, Joonas. Tabuaiheiden käsittely amerikkalaisissa draamasarjoissa 1980-luvulta nykypäivään. Opinnäytetyö, Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu, 2014.
A s i a n F i l m s
Bangladeshi Films
Akhter, Fahmida. Fragmented memory, incomplete history: Women and nation in war films of Bangladesh. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Essex, 2017.
Chowdhury, Elora H. »Ethical Reckoning: Gender, Vulnerability and Agency in Bangladeshi Liberation War Film.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.
Hoek, Lotte. »Cut-Pieces as Stag Film: Bangladeshi Pornography in Action Cinema.« Third Text 24 (2010): 135-148.
Cambodian Films
Morag, Raya. Perpetrator Cinema: Confronting Genocide in Cambodian Documentary. New York 2020.
Chinese Films
Huang, Yuhan. »Reframing Gender: Sexual Violence and Crime in Post-socialist Chinese Cinema.« Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema & Media Studies . Denver 2023.
Xie, Linzi, et al. »Korean and Chinese documentaries on 'comfort women' Issue.« 61st Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference . Denver 2020.
Indian Films
Greeshma, D. »Misogyny in Malayalam Films.« International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11 (2021): 7-15.
Manohar, Uttara, et al. »Sexual Assault Portrayals in Hindi Cinema.« Sex Roles 71 (2014): 233-245.
Shrivastava, Nidhi. »Mass Rapes during the 1947 Partition and its Representation or Silencing in Hindi Cinema.« 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020.
Israeli Films
Meiri, Sandra. »The Ethical Function of Representing Sexualised Violence against Women during the Holocaust in Israeli Narrative Cinema.« 5th Annual Conference on Israel Studies. London 2016.
Japanese Films
Korean Films
North Korean Films:
Four Blocks of Ice
Álvarez, María del Pilar. Memoria histórica y poscolonialismo en Corea del Sur: Los usos del pasado en el nuevo cine documental. Buenos Aires 2015.
Xie, Linzi, et al. »Korean and Chinese documentaries on 'comfort women' Issue.« 61st Annual Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference . Denver 2020.
Pakistani Films
Khamosh Pani
Sri Lankan Films
Thai Films
Townsend, Rebecca. »Prisoner of love: Sexual violence on Thai television.« Critical Asian Studies 48 (2016): 579-596.
Turkish Films
Inal, Tuba. »Rape in Turkish Cinema: The (Re)production of a Rape Culture through Film.« Agnes Scott College. Decatur 2015.
Inal, Tuba. »The (Re)production of a Rape Culture through Film: Turkish Cinema's Love Affair with Rape.« Continuum 31 (2017): 802-819.
E u r o p e a n F i l m s
Belgian Films
Danish Films
Thriller Films:
Män som hatar kvinnor
English Films
A Dangerous Method;
Promising Young Woman;
Drama Films:
The Magdalene Sisters;
TV Series:
Downton Abbey,
Canterbury Tales,
The Forsyte Saga,
Loreck, Janice. Provocation in Women's Filmmaking: Authorship and Art Cinema: Authorship and Art Cinema. Edinburgh 2023: 52-78.
French Films
German Films
Gegen die Wand,
Lollipop Monster;
Music Videos:
TV Series:
Das Boot,
Polizeiruf 110,
Irish Films
Drama Films:
The Magdalene Sisters
Polish Films
Spanish Films
Hable con ella,
Kiki, el amor se hace,
Mientras duermes,
La piel que habito,
Drama Films:
La mala educación;
Horror Films:
Swedish Films
Thriller Films:
Män som hatar kvinnor
Loreck, Janice. Provocation in Women's Filmmaking: Authorship and Art Cinema: Authorship and Art Cinema. Edinburgh 2023: 52-78.
O c e a n i a n F i l m s
Australian Films
The Nightingale,
Sweet Country;
TV Series:
A Place to Call Home
Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra. »Fair Games and Wasted Youth: Twenty-five Years of Australian Rape-Revenge Film (1986-2011).« Metro Magazine No. 170 (2011): 86-89.